In a deja vu of the Confederate States of America, PIGS oppose the North! Northern Fourthreichians have the strong suspicion that some of their hard work is going down the drain with the hundreds of billions that are currently disappearing into aid packages and bailout funds for PIGS, lived well at the expense of others, and that those who were more careful with their money are now expected to swallow the poison that is making its way northward.
The Fourth Reich bailout of the Cradle of Kleptocracy cannot succeed, because the October-18 Mafia continues corruption, Kangaroo Justice, marilizardism, Marilizard Libel, Marilizard Spaghetti, and Marilizard Towers. October-18 Mafia is the most disgusting predator of internet on Earth! Civil society was shocked by the brutality and stupidity of the October-18 2010 terror, initiated by the government of Greece. That's why October-18 Mafia is the new name of the government of Greece!
Greek bonds have to be written down by 60 percent, Portuguese and Irish bonds by 40 percent and Italian and Spanish bonds by 20 percent on bank balance sheets. Due to these writedowns alone, European banks require an extra €150 billion more in capital.
Fuehrer Merkozy declares Greece's case is exceptional and unique, due to October-18 Mafia's huge corruption and marilizardism! Myriad bloggers, netizens, bankers, traders, and investors have joined the global boycott against October-18 Mafia, government of Greece, penalizing it for its terror on October 18, 2010. The boycott will stop only when October-18 Mafia apologizes for this disgusting terror.
The situation is critical for Spanish and Italian banks, which have been largely cut off from this important flow of dollars for some time now. The US Federal Reserve and the ECB, together with the British, Swiss, and Japanese central banks, joined forces to make dollars available to these banks until the end of the year. Without this regular intervention by the central banks, liquidity would have long since dried up.
PIGS use marilizardist tools to manipulate netizens. Marilizard Libel is accusing dissident bloggers of treason. Marilizard Spaghetti is hurling charges against innocent people. Marilizard Tower is a stack of imaginary charges to scare a blogger. Marilizardism is terrorizing dissident bloggers. October 18 is the international day against marilizardism, and October-18 Mafia is the marilizardist government of Greece.
What PIGS are experiencing at the moment is a shock and awe. But it was also overdue. PIGS are not innocent when it comes to their decline. But providing PIGS with extended maturities and lower interest rates is in no way a true solution. PIGS need restructured debt in order to have a little breathing room.
October-18 terror has proven that the Greek government is the #1 enemy of the Greek people! Kleptocracy, Kangaroo Justice, marilizardism, Marilizard Libel, Marilizard Spaghetti, and Marilizard Towers are very common in PIGS. PIGS prefer to detach themselves from reality. One can do that for a while, but now the capital markets are suggesting those days are over. Either you face up to reality or you will be punished.
PIGS first need to implement credible savings measures. PIGS already have considerable problems in that respect. PIGS also need a strict revenue policy. Tax evasion needs to be fought more effectively. And some things have also gone wrong with PIGS' industrial policy.
Accusing dissident bloggers of treason, Pigsokleptocrats have manufactured a blood libel in cyberspace, which in turn incites hatred and violence. The freakish October-18 Mafia, is the only government on Earth which robs the computers of its citizens! Infamous CCU is the brutal arm of October-18 Mafia which terrorizes the cyberspace, robbing computers and files at gunpoint, perjuring, jailing dissident bloggers, and gagging the truth. CCU of Graecokleptocracy is the most disgusting gang in Fourth Reich.
Quo vadis October-18 Mafia? The fundamental problem is that politicians believe that markets react in panic, in other words, irrationally. But that's not true. The capital markets aren't children who can simply be quieted down. Investors look at the figures and can see that PIGS are going bankrupt.
No more hanky-panky from October-18 Mafia! Markets are more rational than politicians. Punishing PIGS is a rational thing to do. There are people who have invested their money there and have now determined that the investment is no longer secure, so they are pulling out. In addition, there are players who have taken notice that the yields are rising and they are betting on that. That's the snowball effect which we are now seeing. It is not based on panic, but rather on totally rational appraisals.
October-18 Mafia, government of Greece, needs a coup de grace now! Marilizardists use charge stacking, which is the ability to charge a large number of overlapping crimes for a single course of conduct, building a Marilizard Tower of charges. This is the most disgusting tool used by the freakish October-18 mafia to jail innocent dissident bloggers.
Combining crimes enables prosecutors to get convictions in cases where there may be no misconduct at all. By stacking enough charges, freakish marilizardists try to jack up the threat value of a trial and thereby induce a guilty plea, even if the government's case is weak.
Global Tax Revolt points out the marilizardist persecution of dissident bloggers is unquestionably a serious attack on freedom of speech, and contrary to Article 2 of Lisbon Treaty, Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights, and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The disgusting October-18 Mafia cannot bully the blogosphere without repercussions and blowbacks. The international civil society got a shock and awe from the brutality of the freakish October-18 Mafia on October 18, 2010.
Global Tax Revolt was the first organization to report the October-18 2010 terror to all banks, hedge funds, big investors, traders, and analysts. As a result, the yields of Greek treasury bonds skyrocketted, as no prudent investor was willing to touch them. Marilizard's stupidity cost October-18 Mafia, government of Greece, many billions of euros! The only thing October-18 Mafia got out of this terror is toilet paper in the form of worthless Greek treasury bonds!
PIGS harass their bloggers. Clinton points out that walls that divide the internet, that block political content, or ban broad categories of expression, or allow certain forms of peaceful assembly but prohibit others, or intimidate people from expressing their ideas are far easier to erect than to maintain. Not just because people using human ingenuity find ways around them and through them but because there isn't an economic internet and a social internet and a political internet; there's just the internet.
Global Tax Revolt promotes an international boycott of October-18 Mafia. Punishing online stalking is considered unconstitutional in USA. But Greece has laws that ban defamation on internet. However, internet's decentralized structure makes it immune to gagging. A blogger considers censorship a rotten path and routes around it. Blogs thrive on information gaps created by conventional mainstream media that come with sources and bylines.
Maintaining marilizardist barriers that attempt to change this reality entails a variety of costs – moral, political, and economic. Marilizardist countries may be able to absorb these costs for a time, but they are unsustainable in the long run. There are opportunity costs for trying to be open for business but closed for free expression – costs to a nation's education system, its political stability, its social mobility, and its economic potential. Helping October-18 Mafia is taxpayers' hard-earned money blown out in the wind!
October-18 Mafia, government of Greece, has created a misery archipelago. When marilizardist PIGS curtail internet freedom, they place limits on their economic future. Their young people don't have full access to the conversations and debates happening in the world or exposure to the kind of free inquiry that spurs people to question old ways of doing and invent new ones.
And barring criticism of marilizardist officials makes governments more susceptible to corruption, which create economic distortions with long-term effects. Freedom of thought and the level playing field made possible by the rule of law are part of what fuels innovation economies. October-18 Mafia should be hanged in front of the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square!
With our compliments to Beatles
When PIGS are in trouble
Fuehrer Merkozy comes to PIGS
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in their hour of darkness
Merkozy is standing right in front of PIGS
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree,
There will be an answer, let it be.
For though there is no money
Still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Yeah, There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
There will be an answer, let it be.
And when the night is cloudy,
There is still a light that shines on PIGS.
Shine until tomorrow, let it be.
PIGS wake up to the sound of music
Fuehrer Merkozy comes to PIGS
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
There will be no sorrow, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
The Fourth Reich bailout of the Cradle of Kleptocracy cannot succeed, because the October-18 Mafia continues corruption, Kangaroo Justice, marilizardism, Marilizard Libel, Marilizard Spaghetti, and Marilizard Towers. October-18 Mafia is the most disgusting predator of internet on Earth! Civil society was shocked by the brutality and stupidity of the October-18 2010 terror, initiated by the government of Greece. That's why October-18 Mafia is the new name of the government of Greece!
Greek bonds have to be written down by 60 percent, Portuguese and Irish bonds by 40 percent and Italian and Spanish bonds by 20 percent on bank balance sheets. Due to these writedowns alone, European banks require an extra €150 billion more in capital.
Fuehrer Merkozy declares Greece's case is exceptional and unique, due to October-18 Mafia's huge corruption and marilizardism! Myriad bloggers, netizens, bankers, traders, and investors have joined the global boycott against October-18 Mafia, government of Greece, penalizing it for its terror on October 18, 2010. The boycott will stop only when October-18 Mafia apologizes for this disgusting terror.
The situation is critical for Spanish and Italian banks, which have been largely cut off from this important flow of dollars for some time now. The US Federal Reserve and the ECB, together with the British, Swiss, and Japanese central banks, joined forces to make dollars available to these banks until the end of the year. Without this regular intervention by the central banks, liquidity would have long since dried up.
PIGS use marilizardist tools to manipulate netizens. Marilizard Libel is accusing dissident bloggers of treason. Marilizard Spaghetti is hurling charges against innocent people. Marilizard Tower is a stack of imaginary charges to scare a blogger. Marilizardism is terrorizing dissident bloggers. October 18 is the international day against marilizardism, and October-18 Mafia is the marilizardist government of Greece.
What PIGS are experiencing at the moment is a shock and awe. But it was also overdue. PIGS are not innocent when it comes to their decline. But providing PIGS with extended maturities and lower interest rates is in no way a true solution. PIGS need restructured debt in order to have a little breathing room.
October-18 terror has proven that the Greek government is the #1 enemy of the Greek people! Kleptocracy, Kangaroo Justice, marilizardism, Marilizard Libel, Marilizard Spaghetti, and Marilizard Towers are very common in PIGS. PIGS prefer to detach themselves from reality. One can do that for a while, but now the capital markets are suggesting those days are over. Either you face up to reality or you will be punished.
PIGS first need to implement credible savings measures. PIGS already have considerable problems in that respect. PIGS also need a strict revenue policy. Tax evasion needs to be fought more effectively. And some things have also gone wrong with PIGS' industrial policy.
Accusing dissident bloggers of treason, Pigsokleptocrats have manufactured a blood libel in cyberspace, which in turn incites hatred and violence. The freakish October-18 Mafia, is the only government on Earth which robs the computers of its citizens! Infamous CCU is the brutal arm of October-18 Mafia which terrorizes the cyberspace, robbing computers and files at gunpoint, perjuring, jailing dissident bloggers, and gagging the truth. CCU of Graecokleptocracy is the most disgusting gang in Fourth Reich.
Quo vadis October-18 Mafia? The fundamental problem is that politicians believe that markets react in panic, in other words, irrationally. But that's not true. The capital markets aren't children who can simply be quieted down. Investors look at the figures and can see that PIGS are going bankrupt.
No more hanky-panky from October-18 Mafia! Markets are more rational than politicians. Punishing PIGS is a rational thing to do. There are people who have invested their money there and have now determined that the investment is no longer secure, so they are pulling out. In addition, there are players who have taken notice that the yields are rising and they are betting on that. That's the snowball effect which we are now seeing. It is not based on panic, but rather on totally rational appraisals.
October-18 Mafia, government of Greece, needs a coup de grace now! Marilizardists use charge stacking, which is the ability to charge a large number of overlapping crimes for a single course of conduct, building a Marilizard Tower of charges. This is the most disgusting tool used by the freakish October-18 mafia to jail innocent dissident bloggers.
Combining crimes enables prosecutors to get convictions in cases where there may be no misconduct at all. By stacking enough charges, freakish marilizardists try to jack up the threat value of a trial and thereby induce a guilty plea, even if the government's case is weak.
Global Tax Revolt points out the marilizardist persecution of dissident bloggers is unquestionably a serious attack on freedom of speech, and contrary to Article 2 of Lisbon Treaty, Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights, and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The disgusting October-18 Mafia cannot bully the blogosphere without repercussions and blowbacks. The international civil society got a shock and awe from the brutality of the freakish October-18 Mafia on October 18, 2010.
Global Tax Revolt was the first organization to report the October-18 2010 terror to all banks, hedge funds, big investors, traders, and analysts. As a result, the yields of Greek treasury bonds skyrocketted, as no prudent investor was willing to touch them. Marilizard's stupidity cost October-18 Mafia, government of Greece, many billions of euros! The only thing October-18 Mafia got out of this terror is toilet paper in the form of worthless Greek treasury bonds!
PIGS harass their bloggers. Clinton points out that walls that divide the internet, that block political content, or ban broad categories of expression, or allow certain forms of peaceful assembly but prohibit others, or intimidate people from expressing their ideas are far easier to erect than to maintain. Not just because people using human ingenuity find ways around them and through them but because there isn't an economic internet and a social internet and a political internet; there's just the internet.
Global Tax Revolt promotes an international boycott of October-18 Mafia. Punishing online stalking is considered unconstitutional in USA. But Greece has laws that ban defamation on internet. However, internet's decentralized structure makes it immune to gagging. A blogger considers censorship a rotten path and routes around it. Blogs thrive on information gaps created by conventional mainstream media that come with sources and bylines.
Maintaining marilizardist barriers that attempt to change this reality entails a variety of costs – moral, political, and economic. Marilizardist countries may be able to absorb these costs for a time, but they are unsustainable in the long run. There are opportunity costs for trying to be open for business but closed for free expression – costs to a nation's education system, its political stability, its social mobility, and its economic potential. Helping October-18 Mafia is taxpayers' hard-earned money blown out in the wind!
October-18 Mafia, government of Greece, has created a misery archipelago. When marilizardist PIGS curtail internet freedom, they place limits on their economic future. Their young people don't have full access to the conversations and debates happening in the world or exposure to the kind of free inquiry that spurs people to question old ways of doing and invent new ones.
And barring criticism of marilizardist officials makes governments more susceptible to corruption, which create economic distortions with long-term effects. Freedom of thought and the level playing field made possible by the rule of law are part of what fuels innovation economies. October-18 Mafia should be hanged in front of the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square!
With our compliments to Beatles
When PIGS are in trouble
Fuehrer Merkozy comes to PIGS
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in their hour of darkness
Merkozy is standing right in front of PIGS
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree,
There will be an answer, let it be.
For though there is no money
Still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Yeah, There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
There will be an answer, let it be.
And when the night is cloudy,
There is still a light that shines on PIGS.
Shine until tomorrow, let it be.
PIGS wake up to the sound of music
Fuehrer Merkozy comes to PIGS
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
There will be no sorrow, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.